I'm facing an issue I can't solve by myself in my Symfony 2.8 API project:
I have some paramter loaded at compiler pass in the DependencyInjection of one of my bundle:
class ParametersCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
//loads api version from database when container gets built.
$api_version = $container->get('doctrine')->getRepository('MyAppEntityBundle:Parameter')
->findOneBy(['name' => 'api_version']);
if (!$api_version) {
throw new MyAppException('api_version couldnt be found in database during container build process.');
$container->setParameter('api_version', $api_version);
I dont want this parameter in paramters_*.yml files, to ensure it's ALWAYS retrieved from db + I use it in security.yml file, such as:
pattern: ^/api/%api_version%/
How can I achieved that ?
Apparently, $container->setParameter('name', $value); doesnt work if there isnt a parameter in parameter_*.yml file with dummy value in parameters.yml + I need to set these values BEFORE security.yml gets parsed and loaded. I have look into symfony core for hours, spotted where security config is loaded from kernel->boot() process but I dont see how to achieve what I want properly.
Any help or hints on the proper method would be highly appreciated :)
It is clearly not a good practice, as I stated in response to previous comments, I admit it, it is overkill in complexity for a simple API version management issue. I end up setting the parameter in parameters.yml file so when security.yml file is processed, it is not a problem, and placed my API management logic in the build process of the CI. Makes more sense. @Mocrates Thanks a lot for your answer :)