I am not a rxjs expert.
I have a method which actually does a save.
this.saveProducts(this.boxes, 'BOXES')
But there are two other different type of items that needs to use the same method for saving , just the parameter is different.
this.saveProducts(this.containers, 'CONTAINER')
In my component I have few other independent saving is happening and all these should happen one by one.
So my method look like this.
return this.service.edit(materials)
.do((data) => {
this.materials= data;
.switchMap(() => this.customerService.addCustomer(this.id, this.customers))
.switchMap(() => this.saveProducts(this.boxes, 'BOXES'))
.switchMap(() => this.saveProducts(this.containers, 'CONTAINER'))
.switchMap(() => this.saveProducts(this.books, 'BOOKS'))
.do(() => {
But whats happening is it never calls the second saveProducts method unless I have a return from first one
private saveProducts(products: IProduct[], type:
Type): Observable<any> {
Thanks for anyone who looked at it.. The answer to this issue is to return an empty observable if nothing is there to save.
if (products$.length === 0) {
return Observable.of([]);
Thanks guys.. Happy coding..