I have a 'JudoClass' object that contains an arrayList of 'Student' objects. When I try to create a student, I get the above error.
Post method:
public Response createAccount(Student aStudent) {
students.put(aStudent.getId(), aStudent);
System.out.print("user created with id: " + aStudent.getId());
return Response.ok(students, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
students is a hash map of all the students. (allStudents is an arrayList, i'm testing with both)
Json in postman:
"id": 3,
"username": "Mark",
"password": "password"
I also get this error when I try to create or edit a JudoClass.
Your method takes one Student as parameter
public Response createAccount(Student aStudent) {
But you are sending an array.
So your method should look like
public Response createAccount(List<Student> aStudent) {