I am able to deploy my ear and wars in my standalone cluster. 2 of my wars are for the HA singleton. Soon after starting the first standalone jboss-eap-6, I start the second. When all my applications have deployed successfully I open J-Console, I notice that one of my singleton war is running on the first jboss-eap-6 and the second singleton war is running on the second jboss-eap-6. Also in Jconsole, there was only 1 jboss-eap-6 reporting as primary.
My question is: Is there some way in jboss-eap-6 standalone.xml I can force only 1 jboss-eap-6 to run the singleton HA wars. Or would I have to package the wars into an ear?
So after further evaluation, the 2 singletons eventually would merge together after a few minutes, thus creating 1 intended singleton.