I have a table with select2 selections. Each row has an add button with a default value in the attribute. When the user adds an item each select2 box with the same default value has to be updated. Here is a part of my code:
<div class="gb-select-div" rowId="279525">
<select class="idInLine">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<a href='#' default="Piet" class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus addId'></a>
var rowId;
var def;
var newOption = new Option(name, newId, true, true);
$(".idInLine").each(function() {
rowId = $(this).closest('div').attr('rowId');
def = $('#tr' + rowId).find(".addId").attr("default")
if (def === defaultValue) {
The code is almost working. A new item is added (Ajax). The select2 change event is triggered (selections are saved with Ajax). The only problem is; only one select2 control is showing the new value, the others keep showing "--Select--".
I am using the latest version of select2 v4.
Solved it. The line:
var newOption = new Option(name, newId, true, true);
had to be inside the each loop.