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Hamcrest. Match item in collection with 2 specific property values

I have a test with a collection of SpecialObject as result. SpecialObject has "name" and "surname" as properties. I want to test if the collection contains a specialObject with 2 specific properties, "name=myname" and "surname=lastname".

Here is what I have tried without success:

assertThat(result, Matchers.<SpecialObject>hasItem(
          hasProperty("name", equalTo("myname")),
          hasProperty("surname", equalTo("lastname"))


  • You can use both matcher to check if both properties has excepcted values.

        Assert.assertThat(result, Matchers.<SpecialObject>hasItem(
                Matchers.both(hasProperty("name", equalTo("myname")))
                        .and(hasProperty("surname", equalTo("lastname")))));