Here's what I have now
var Proto = function(){
this.up = function(){ alert('hello'); };
Proto.prototype.up = function(){ alert('world'); };
new o = Proto();
alert(o.up); // prints "hello"
I would expect this to print "world" since I overwrite the method. Any help is appreciated.
See the following snippet:
var MyClass = function () {
this.print = function logAttachedToThis() { console.log('hello'); };
MyClass.prototype.print = function logAttachedToPrototype() { console.log('world'); };
console.log(new MyClass());
Output will be:
MyClass {print: ƒ}
print: ƒ printAttachedToThis()
print: ƒ printAttachedToPrototype()
constructor: ƒ ()
__proto__: Object
When invoking new MyClass().print()
, the engine will first check whether print
is available in the object itself. Otherwise, it will check in the prototype chain. So actually, this.print = ...
is overriding MyClass.prototype.print = ...
. Not sure overriding is the right word in this specific case though, I would use hiding instead.