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Colour Individual Items in a winforms ComboBox?

I have a dilemma whereby I have a form which contains a number of comboboxes that contain information/options/items that may be invalid/out-of-date in certain circumstances.

I can't simply remove the out-of-date information from the items, but I do want to give the user a visual-clue when options are invalid.

I was thinking of colouring in the Items (probably red) to indicate if & when they are invalid. I don't necessarily need to prevent a user from selecting an invalid option, just make them visually aware that they are doing so.

Can this be done? Can you - dyamically - change the colo(u)r of combobox items?



  • You may try DrawItem event of ComboBox. Keep your dates on a list and compare them with ID's and brush your items.

    private void comboBox1_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
        // Draw the background 
        // Get the item text    
        string text = ((ComboBox)sender).Items[e.Index].ToString();
        // Determine the forecolor based on whether or not the item is selected    
        Brush brush;
        if (YourListOfDates[e.Index] < DateTime.Now)// compare  date with your list.  
            brush = Brushes.Red;
            brush = Brushes.Green;
        // Draw the text    
        e.Graphics.DrawString(text, ((Control)sender).Font, brush, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y);

    To fire this event (thanks to @Bolu)

    You need to change ComboBox.DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed/OwnerDrawVariable to fire the comboBox_DrawItem