I am using JDK 8, JodaTime 2.9.9 and OrientDB version 2.2.26.
Is there a way to use DateTime objects with OrientDB Object API?
Example class:
class Entity {
private DateTime date;
public Entity(DateTime date){
this.date = date
public DateTime getDate(){
return date;
public void setDate(DateTime newDate){
this.date = newDate;
Registering in OrientDB:
If I try to save it:
database.save(new Entity(DateTime.now()))
Then I get:
Linked type [class org.joda.time.DateTime:2017–09–12T11:50:25.709–03:00]
cannot be serialized because is not part of registered entities.
If I try to register DateTime:
And I try to save entity again:
database.save(new Entity(DateTime.now()))
Since it is a final class, javassist cannot proxy it, so I got a:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.joda.time.DateTime is final
I don’t wanna to change my class to store a long instead of a DateTime. Is there a way to implement and register some sort of serializer and deserializer for DateTime or something that, similarly, would not interfere with my entity?
Ok, I find out how to do it (code in Groovy):
def orientDbServer = OServerMain.create()
System.setProperty("ORIENTDB_HOME", new File("").getAbsolutePath());
orientDbServer.startup(new OServerConfiguration().with { cfg ->
location = "memory"
network = new OServerNetworkConfiguration(this)
users = [new OServerUserConfiguration(name: "root",
password: "root",
resources: "*")] as OServerUserConfiguration[]
addShutdownHook {
new OServerAdmin("localhost").connect("root", "root")
.createDatabase("test", "document", "memory").close()
OObjectDatabaseTx database =
new OObjectDatabaseTx("memory:localhost/test").open("admin", "admin")
OObjectSerializerContext serializerContext = new OObjectSerializerContext();
serializerContext.bind(new OObjectSerializer<DateTime, Long>() {
Object serializeFieldValue(Class<?> iClass, DateTime iFieldValue) {
return iFieldValue.getMillis()
Object unserializeFieldValue(Class<?> iClass, Long iFieldValue) {
return new DateTime(iFieldValue)
}, database)
OObjectSerializerHelper.bindSerializerContext(null, serializerContext)
It is important that the serializerContext is registered before any entity class registration