I have such model: two enumerations and one case class with two fields of these enums types:
// see later, why objects are implicit
implicit object Fruits extends Enumeration {
val Apple = Value("apple")
val Orange = Value("orange")
implicit object Vegetables extends Enumeration {
val Potato = Value("potato")
val Cucumber = Value("cucumber")
val Tomato = Value("tomato")
type Fruit = Fruits.Value
type Vegetable = Vegetables.Value
case class Pair(fruit: Fruit, vegetable: Vegetable)
I want to parse/generate JSONs to/from Pairs with spray-json. I don't want to declare separate JsonFormat
s for fruits and vegetables. So, I'd like to do something like this:
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
// enum is implicit here, that's why we needed implicit objects
implicit def enumFormat[A <: Enumeration](implicit enum: A): RootJsonFormat[enum.Value] =
new RootJsonFormat[enum.Value] {
def read(value: JsValue): enum.Value = value match {
case JsString(s) =>
case x =>
deserializationError("Expected JsString, but got " + x)
def write(obj: enum.Value) = JsString(obj.toString)
// compilation error: couldn't find implicits for JF[Fruit] and JF[Vegetable]
implicit val pairFormat = jsonFormat2(Pair)
// expected value:
// spray.json.JsValue = {"fruit":"apple","vegetable":"potato"}
// but actually doesn't even compile
Pair(Fruits.Apple, Vegetables.Potato).toJson
Sadly, enumFormat
doesn't produce implicit values for jsonFormat2
. If I write manually two implicit declarations before pairFormat for fruits and vegetables formats, then json marshalling works:
implicit val fruitFormat: RootJsonFormat[Fruit] = enumFormat(Fruits)
implicit val vegetableFormat: RootJsonFormat[Vegetable] = enumFormat(Vegetables)
implicit val pairFormat = jsonFormat2(Pair)
// {"fruit":"apple","vegetable":"potato"}, as expected
Pair(Fruits.Apple, Vegetables.Potato).toJson
So, two questions:
How to get rid of these fruitFormat
and vegetableFormat
Ideally it would be great to not make enumeration objects implicit, while keeping enumFormat
function generic. Is there a way to achieve this? Maybe, using scala.reflect
package or something like that.
You just have to replace enum.Value
with A#Value
Looking at spray-json #200 you can find an example of a well defined implicit enumFormat
, slightly modified to leverage implicit enu
implicit def enumFormat[T <: Enumeration](implicit enu: T): RootJsonFormat[T#Value] =
new RootJsonFormat[T#Value] {
def write(obj: T#Value): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)
def read(json: JsValue): T#Value = {
json match {
case JsString(txt) => enu.withName(txt)
case somethingElse => throw DeserializationException(s"Expected a value from enum $enu instead of $somethingElse")