I want to know how to confirm progress info of AWS Step Function using Cloud Watch API.
I thought I could get confirm progress info by using GetMetricStatistics method, but it did not work.
Below is the GetMetricStatistics(Amazon Cloud Watch API for JavaScript) Reference.
Please tell me how to confirm progress info of AWS Step Function using Cloud Watch API.
To establish a baseline you should, at a minimum, monitor the following metrics: ActivitiesStarted ActivitiesTimedOut ExecutionsStarted ExecutionsTimedOut LambdaFunctionsStarted LambdaFunctionsTimedOut
State Machine Metrics The following metrics are available for Step Functions state machines: Execution Metrics The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for Step Functions executions: Metric Description ExecutionTime The interval, in milliseconds, between the time the execution starts and the time it closes. ExecutionThrottled The number of StateEntered events in addition to retries. ExecutionsAborted The number of aborted or terminated executions. ExecutionsFailed The number of failed executions. ExecutionsStarted The number of started executions. ExecutionsSucceeded The number of successfully completed executions. ExecutionsTimedOut The number of executions that time out for any reason.