I have the following code (from mailgun_csharp):
var message = new MessageBuilder()
.SetFromAddress(new Recipient { Email = From.Address, DisplayName = From.DisplayName })
.AddToRecipient(new Recipient { Email = "a@a.com", DisplayName = "a" })
so far, so good...
now I want to add 2 recipients:
var message = new MessageBuilder()
.SetFromAddress(new Recipient { Email = From.Address, DisplayName = From.DisplayName })
.AddToRecipient(new Recipient { Email = "a@a.com", DisplayName = "a" })
.AddToRecipient(new Recipient { Email = "b@a.com", DisplayName = "b" })
this works well too...
but if I have a List and I want to add the whole list to .AddRecipient, how can I do that programmatically?
It looks like mailgun_csharp library lacks a method for passing a list of recipients to the API. C# lets you fix this shortcoming by adding your own implementation as an extension:
public static class MessageBuilderExtensions {
public static IMessageBuilder AddToRecipients(
this IMessageBuilder builder
, IEnumerable<IRecipient> recipients
, JObject recipientVariables = null) {
foreach (var recipient in recipients) {
builder = builder.AddRecipient(recipient, recipientVariables);
return builder;
Now you can write this code:
IEnumerable<IRecipient> myListOfRecipients = ...
var message = new MessageBuilder()
.SetFromAddress(new Recipient { Email = From.Address, DisplayName = From.DisplayName })