In my AngularJS web app, I'm doing a Pivot with devexpress. Particularly, I'm using the Field Chooser:
In the example there are static data. I have to retrieve them from the server. So, I wrote this:
$scope.testData = null;
$scope.pivotGridDataSource = new{
fields: [{
caption: "Nome",
dataField: "fullName",
area: "row"
}, {
caption: "Country",
dataField: "country",
area: "column"
}, {
caption: "Count",
dataField: "countOne",
dataType: "number",
summaryType: "sum",
area: "data"
store: $scope.testData
$scope.pivotGridOptions = {
allowSortingBySummary: true,
allowSorting: true,
allowFiltering: true,
showBorders: true,
dataSource: $scope.pivotGridDataSource,
fieldChooser: {
enabled: false
$scope.fieldChooserOptions = {
dataSource: $scope.pivotGridDataSource,
texts: {
allFields: "All",
columnFields: "Columns",
dataFields: "Data",
rowFields: "Rows",
filterFields: "Filter"
width: 400,
height: 400,
bindingOptions: {
layout: "layout"
// Now I call the function to retrieve data
$scope.getTestData = () => {
// I call the server and save the data
$scope.testData = result;
The problem is that the table, after the calling, is still empty. There is written "No data". Why? I also tried to write
after the call to the server, but it doesn't work yet.
The problem is in your store, so do something like this
var dataStore = new{
load: function (loadOptions) {
var d = $.Deferred();
url: UrlApi,
method: "GET",
}).done(function (result) {
d.resolve(result, {
return d.promise();
key: "Id",
$scope.pivotGridDataSource = new{
store: dataStore
See this code below, it is jquery, but AngularJS is basically the same
var dataStore = new{
load: function (loadOptions) {
var d = $.Deferred();
url: UrlApi,
method: "GET",
}).done(function (result) {
d.resolve(result, {
return d.promise();
key: "Id",
showBorders: true,
"export": {
enabled: true,
fileName: "Sales"
dataSource: {
fields: [{
caption: "Fecha",
dataField: "maeFecha",
width: 350,
area: "row"
}, {
caption: "Nombre",
dataField: "maeNombre",
dataType: "number",
summaryType: "count",
area: "data"
}, {
dataField: "maeGestion",
width: 350,
area: "column"
store: dataStore
And see the results