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Move model out of service

I am a bit new to angularjs. I have a service that works fine. however I would like to move the model (the patient model) out of the service and put it in a separtate javascript file. not quite sure how to do this. I'm guessing I need a factory or service of some type?

this is my patient.service.js

(function () {
'use strict';

    .factory('patientDataService', patientDataService);

patientDataService.$inject = ['$http'];

function patientDataService($http) {
    var service = {
        getData: getData

    return service;


    function getData() {
        // I would like to move this model into a separate js file
       function patient(d) {

            this.Status = d.Status;
            this.ImageUrl = d.ImageUrl;
            this.PersonId = d.PersonId;
            this.LastName = d.LastName;
            this.MiddleName = d.MiddleName;
            this.FirstName = d.FirstName;
        // end I would like to move this model into a separate js file

        var data = [
                "Status": "Active",
                "ImageUrl": "",
                "PersonId": 1,
                "LastName": "Pratt",
                "MiddleName": "B",
                "FirstName": "Allie"
                "Status": 'Active',
                "ImageUrl": "",
                "PersonId": 1,
                "LastName": "Pratt",
                "MiddleName": "B",
                "FirstName": "Allie"


             return  getPatientList(data);

             function getPatientList(data) {
                 var a = [];
                 angular.forEach(data, function (d, i) {
                     a.push(new patient(d));
                 return a;


so I would like to move the model into a file called patient.model.js

  (function () {
    function patient(d) {
        this.Status = d.Status;
        this.ImageUrl = d.ImageUrl;
        this.PersonId = d.PersonId;
        this.LastName = d.LastName;
        this.MiddleName = d.MiddleName;
        this.FirstName = d.FirstNa
    return patient;


  • You have to create a factory provider and should be like this:

        .factory('Patient', function() {
             return function(d){
                 this.Status = d.Status;
                 this.ImageUrl = d.ImageUrl;
                 this.PersonId = d.PersonId;
                 this.LastName = d.LastName;
                 this.MiddleName = d.MiddleName;
                 this.FirstName = d.FirstName

    and then in the Service you can use like this:

        .factory('patientDataService', patientDataService);
    patientDataService.$inject = ['$http', 'Patient'];
    function patientDataService($http, Patient){
        console.log(new Patient({ Status: 'active' }));

    You can see the full example below: