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Set importance to mail when using Excel's envelope

I have created a macro, in Excel, to send mail.

I want to set the importance as high. I have tried

.Importance = 2
.olImportanceHigh = 2
.Importance = olImportanceHigh

It says Object does not support property or method.

    ToArray = wb1.Sheets("Report").Cells(3, 34).Value
    CCArray = wb1.Sheets("Report").Cells(3, 35).Value
    Subject = subject1
    Content = wb1.Sheets("Report").Cells(3, 36).Value
    ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True
    With wb1.Sheets("New Report").MailEnvelope
    .Introduction = Content
    .Item.To = ToArray
    .Item.CC = CCArray
    .Item.Subject = Subject
    .Item.attachments.Add (wb2.FullName)
    .Importance = olImportanceHigh
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 


  • It's a property of the MailItem and not the MailEnvelope so you need to use:

    .Item.Importance = 2