I'm looking to have the child model added/edited on it's own form, not within the parent form.
any example I have seen has the child added on the same form as the parent. Since I'm adding the twist of adding/editing on a separate form, I'm wondering if that's why I get the following error:
undefined method `chapters_path'...
resources :books do
resources :chapters
has_many :chapters
belongs_to :book
<% form_for [@book, @chapter] do |f| %>
I think I still need to use the nest resource methodology, since I'm wanting to add the child with a url such as books/1/chapters/new - because that would be the proper rails approach, no? or maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way.
Any help greatly appreciated.
ok - I've got it working - in case anyone is interested, here are the adjustments:
resources :chapters, :only => [:destroy, :update]
resources :books do
resources :chapters, :only => [:create, :edit, :index, :new, :show]
adjustments were also required for some of the redirects in the chapters controller