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How to properly integrate Google Analytics in FB Instant Articles?

I am running Instant Articles For WP on my Wordpress site, at the moment all the traffic coming from Instant Articles isn't registering in Google Analytics.

I did a little research and found that facebook allows the additional of 3rd party tracking codes.

I'm using the new gTag.js instead of the old method.

This is code is placed before </head>

<!-- Global Site Tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', 'UA-MY-ID');

And this is the code in Instant Articles Wordpress plugin, in the "Embed Custom Code" section.

<figure class="op-tracker">

        <script async src=""></script>
            window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
            function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
            gtag('js', new Date());

            gtag('create', 'UA-MY-ID', 'auto');
            gtag('require', 'displayfeatures');
            gtag('set', 'campaignSource', 'Facebook');
            gtag('set', 'campaignMedium', 'Instant Article');
            gtag('set', 'page_title', 'Instant Articles: '+ia_document.title);
            gtag('send', 'pageview');

            gtag('config', 'UA-MY-ID');


Yet, I still don't see any campaigns being created in my analytics dashboard. I don't see the traffic coming from Instant Articles at all.


  • The issue has been fixed. I removed the HTML tags and fixed the parameters of ga to the following

      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
      ga('create', 'UA-MY-ID', 'auto');
      ga('set', 'campaignSource', 'Facebook');
      ga('set', 'campaignMedium', 'Facebook Instant Articles');
      ga('set', 'referrer', ia_document.referrer);
      ga('send', 'pageview');