i use multer according to it's readme file in github
it's readme said call multer in middleware like this:
var multer = require('multer')
app.post('/upload', upload.single('image'), function(req, res){})
but i defined my function(req, res) in another file - post.js - and my code in app.js looks like this:
app.post('/upload', upload.single('image'), post.new)
how can i require multer only on post.js, almost like this:
var multer = require('multer')
module.exports.new = function(req, res){
//access to req.file
app.post('/upload', post.new)
I can think of two ways.
Firstly, you could expose new
as an array:
module.exports.new = [upload.single('image'), function(req, res) {
Secondly, you could use multer
within your function:
var imageUpload = upload.single('image');
module.exports.new = function(req, res) {
imageUpload(req, res, function(err) {
// Put the rest of your code here
In this second approach we're just invoking the multer
middleware function ourselves, passing it our own function to use as the next
callback. There's a little bit more information about doing this at https://github.com/expressjs/multer#error-handling though it describes the technique in a slightly different context.