Hi I am new for JPA & Criteria API. I am trying to fetch distinct values of a single column (trying to get only distinct values of TestId).I have below table in my DB.
|TestId(Pk) | TestCol(PK) | TestEx|
I have below classes Model Class
@Table(schema = "TEST", name = "TEST_TYPE")
public class Test {
private TestPK id;
@Column(nmae = "TestEX")
private double testEx
public class TestPK {
@Column(name = "TestId")
private String testId;
private String testcol
Repository class
public class TestRepoImpl {
EntityManager em;
public List<Test> getData() {
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Test> cq = cb.createQuery(Test.class);
Root<Test> root = cq.from(Test.class);
// cq.get(Test_.id).get(TestPK_.testId);
// cq.select(root);
// List<Tuple> ts = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
List<Test> data = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
return data;
I am getting below error.
Partial object queries are not allowed to maintain the cache or edited. You must use dontMaintainCache().
Please try this option as mentioned in here ((org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaQuery)query).getDatabaseQuery().dontMaintainCache();