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Actions on Google Internationalization

Last week during the Google I/O '17, Google annonced that Google Assistant will soon be available in other countries (like France, Germany, Japan...) I'm a french developer and I want to develop a new Action for Google Assistant.

Currently it's only possible to do it in English but does somebody know if an internationalization system will be available or if I will have to develop a copy of my current English agent and translate it on french when Google Assistant will be available for french people ?

If an internationalization system is created, will it be available only on, only on Actions SDK or on both ?

Thanks in advance :)

EDIT: Google Assistant is currently deploy to French user (29/05/2017), an internationalization system is now really needed.


  • [Update after 10/04 Google conference] now supports multi-language agents:

    And Actions on Google also supports multi language: in the App Information screen, you can use the arrow near "English" and click on "Add language".

    More supported languages are coming soon...