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Finding missing translations in django `.po` files

Working with Django, you can use django.utils.translation.ugettext and ....ugettext_lazy (as well as some template tags) to handle translation of localized messages.

Later, with command: makemessages -l <LANGUAGE> you can generate the po file containing the original string, so that the developer can specify the desired translation.

Question: is there a django command, or any other quick way, to find out which messages have not been translated?

Usually I look for the string msgstr "" in the po file, but that's inaccurate, since some translations are multiline, like the following:
msgid ""
"Some very long text"
msgstr ""
"The translation of some very long text"

Thus, looking for msgstr "" I get "false positives" (i.e. strings that are actually translated, but whose translation start the next line). With thousand of lines, this quite often.

Any smart suggestion?



  • Assuming you are using some popular editors:

    • in most editors, simply search msgstr ""\n\n
    • under windows / with notepad, maybe you will need something like msgstr ""\r\n\r\n
    • you could also try some specialized editors, check this
    • ultimatively, you could do the following: sed -i '/msgstr ""/{N;N; s/\n\n/\n# translate me!\n\n/g}' django.po and then search for # translate me! comments in the file.