So yeah, I'm making Brainfuck interpreter but I also need to create AST from its code. Primitive operations (+ - . , > <) can be used in a node pretty easily. The loop operations, on the other hand, look quite complex. So, what I need is to make links between [ and ] nodes. For that I use a special Node field in ] node.
And now I think that I can create links between them by using brackets positions in a string. But here's a problem - how can I create matching pairs of brackets?
Here's the sample of my code:
private readonly List<int> rightBracketsIds;
private readonly List<int> leftBracketsIds;
private List<Tuple<int, int>> lsTuples;
I get positions of brackets by using special method and place them in a corresponding list. But what should I use for creating pairs of them? Like
LBs: 2, 5, 17
RBs: 11, 14, 23
So I need to get Tuples <2,14> <5, 11> <17, 23>.
Well, I can kinda see that right bracket must have position greater than left bracket's: by looking at LB 17 and RB 14 we can say that they are not linked together. But I think there's a way to get it better.
So yeah, any answers will be helpful. Sorry for my bad english.
P.S. I've thought about a Stack, but I don't know how to use it in my problem. P.P.S. I've finally found something useful: How to find the matching pair of braces in a string?
If I'll solve my problem, I'll post the solution here.
Well, I have all kinds of exceptions for input, so I can use just one stack.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Solver s = new Solver();
public class Solver
private readonly List<int> rightBracketsIds;
private readonly List<int> leftBracketsIds;
private readonly List<Tuple<int, int>> lsTuples;
public Solver()
rightBracketsIds = new List<int>();
leftBracketsIds = new List<int>();
lsTuples = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
public void Solve(string s)
Stack<int> st = new Stack<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
switch (s[i])
case '[':
case ']':
int index = st.Any() ? st.Pop() : -1;
lsTuples.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(index, i));
public void Visualize()
foreach (Tuple<int, int> tuple in lsTuples)
Console.WriteLine(tuple.Item1 + " " + tuple.Item2);
Seems good enough for me.