I want to collect the values in a first sorted categorized view column.
However, sometimes the values can be multivalue due to the column formula:
names := @If(Form = "project"; projectManager : projectCustomer; Form = "budget"; docAuthors; Form = "plan"; "docOwners"; "[Unknown]");
Some fields are single value, some are multi-value.
I tried
Vector<String> names= entry.getColumnValues();
String name = String.valueOf(names.get(0));
but this converts the array to a string
Vector<String> names= entry.getColumnValues();
String name = names.get(0);
breaks the code.
Anyone have a suggestion to get the value(s) from the column?
Have you tried to check the type of the value? Something like this:
Vector<?> data = entry.getColumnValues();
Object tmp = data.get(0);
Vector<?> result = new Vector();
if( tmp instanceof String ){
result.add( (String) tmp );
if( tmp instanceof ArrayList ){
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) tmp;
for( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++ ){
result.add( list.get(i) );
if( tmp instanceof Vector ){
Vector<?> vec = (Vector) tmp;
for( int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++ ){
result.add( vec.get(i) );
return result;
Then you will always get a Vector with all the values (even it is a single value only)