I got next jqGrid table.
I want to disable filter ability from header column, but leave it in filter toolbar.
Is there any way to disable ui-search-input
but leave it in total column list? In this case for Notes column for example.
How to do it in the most convenient way?
UPD I need to remove field marked with red arrow and leave green arrow field
$(function () {
var grid_selector = "#grid-table",
pager_selector = "#grid-pager",
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grid_data =
{id: "1", name: "Desktop Computer", note: "note", stock: "Yes", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "2", name: "Laptop", note: "Long text ", stock: "Yes", ship: "InTime", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "3", name: "LCD Monitor", note: "note3", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "4", name: "Speakers", note: "note", stock: "No", ship: "ARAMEX", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "5", name: "Laser Printer", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "6", name: "Play Station", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "7",
name: "Mobile Telephone",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "ARAMEX",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "8", name: "Server", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "9", name: "Matrix Printer", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "10",
name: "Desktop Computer",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "FedEx",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "11", name: "Laptop", note: "Long text ", stock: "Yes", ship: "InTime", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "12", name: "LCD Monitor", note: "note3", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "13", name: "Speakers", note: "note", stock: "No", ship: "ARAMEX", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "14", name: "Laser Printer", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "15", name: "Play Station", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "16",
name: "Mobile Telephone",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "ARAMEX",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "17", name: "Server", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "18", name: "Matrix Printer", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "19", name: "Matrix Printer", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "20",
name: "Desktop Computer",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "FedEx",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "21", name: "Laptop", note: "Long text ", stock: "Yes", ship: "InTime", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "22", name: "LCD Monitor", note: "note3", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "23", name: "Speakers", note: "note", stock: "No", ship: "ARAMEX", sdate: "2007-12-03"}
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$(document).on('settings.ace.jqGrid', function (ev, event_name, collapsed) {
if (event_name === 'sidebar_collapsed' || event_name === 'main_container_fixed') {
//setTimeout is for webkit only to give time for DOM changes and then redraw!!!
setTimeout(function () {
$(grid_selector).jqGrid('setGridWidth', parent_column.width());
}, 0);
subGrid: false,
data: grid_data,
datatype: "local",
height: 'auto',
colNames: ['ID', 'Name', 'Ship via', 'Notes'],
colModel: [
{name: 'id', index: 'id', width: 60, search: true, sorttype: "int", editable: true},
{name: 'name', index: 'name', width: 150, editable: true, editoptions: {size: "20", maxlength: "30"}},
name: 'ship',
index: 'ship',
width: 90,
editable: true,
edittype: "select",
editoptions: {value: "FE:FedEx;IN:InTime;TN:TNT;AR:ARAMEX"}
name: 'note',
index: 'note',
width: 150,
sortable: false,
editable: true,
edittype: "textarea",
editoptions: {rows: "2", cols: "10"}
viewrecords: true,
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
pager: pager_selector,
altRows: true,
multiselect: false,
multiboxonly: true,
editurl: "/dummy.html",//nothing is saved
caption: "jgGrid Example"
$(grid_selector).jqGrid('navGrid', pager_selector,
{ //navbar options
edit: false,
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viewicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-search-plus grey',
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afterShowSearch: function (e) {
var form = $(e[0]);
form.closest('.ui-jqdialog').find('.ui-jqdialog-title').wrap('<div class="widget-header" />')
afterRedraw: function () {
multipleSearch: true,
showQuery: true
function style_search_filters(form) {
form.find('.add-rule').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-primary');
form.find('.add-group').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-success');
form.find('.delete-group').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-danger');
function style_search_form(form) {
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var buttons = dialog.find('.EditTable')
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buttons.find('.EditButton a[id*="_search"]').addClass('btn btn-sm btn-purple').find('.ui-icon').attr('class', 'ace-icon fa fa-search');
$jqGridReport.jqGrid('filterToolbar', {autosearch: true, stringResult: false});
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<div id="grid-pager"></div>
$(function () {
var grid_selector = "#grid-table",
pager_selector = "#grid-pager",
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grid_data =
{id: "1", name: "Desktop Computer", note: "note", stock: "Yes", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "2", name: "Laptop", note: "Long text ", stock: "Yes", ship: "InTime", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "3", name: "LCD Monitor", note: "note3", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "4", name: "Speakers", note: "note", stock: "No", ship: "ARAMEX", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "5", name: "Laser Printer", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "6", name: "Play Station", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "7",
name: "Mobile Telephone",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "ARAMEX",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "8", name: "Server", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "9", name: "Matrix Printer", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "10",
name: "Desktop Computer",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "FedEx",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "11", name: "Laptop", note: "Long text ", stock: "Yes", ship: "InTime", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "12", name: "LCD Monitor", note: "note3", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "13", name: "Speakers", note: "note", stock: "No", ship: "ARAMEX", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "14", name: "Laser Printer", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "15", name: "Play Station", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "16",
name: "Mobile Telephone",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "ARAMEX",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "17", name: "Server", note: "note2", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "18", name: "Matrix Printer", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "19", name: "Matrix Printer", note: "note3", stock: "No", ship: "FedEx", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
id: "20",
name: "Desktop Computer",
note: "note",
stock: "Yes",
ship: "FedEx",
sdate: "2007-12-03"
{id: "21", name: "Laptop", note: "Long text ", stock: "Yes", ship: "InTime", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "22", name: "LCD Monitor", note: "note3", stock: "Yes", ship: "TNT", sdate: "2007-12-03"},
{id: "23", name: "Speakers", note: "note", stock: "No", ship: "ARAMEX", sdate: "2007-12-03"}
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//resize on sidebar collapse/expand
var parent_column = $(grid_selector).closest('[class*="col-"]');
$(document).on('settings.ace.jqGrid', function (ev, event_name, collapsed) {
if (event_name === 'sidebar_collapsed' || event_name === 'main_container_fixed') {
//setTimeout is for webkit only to give time for DOM changes and then redraw!!!
setTimeout(function () {
$(grid_selector).jqGrid('setGridWidth', parent_column.width());
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subGrid: false,
data: grid_data,
datatype: "local",
height: 'auto',
colNames: ['ID', 'Name', 'Ship via', 'Notes'],
colModel: [
{name: 'id', index: 'id', width: 60, search: true, sorttype: "int", editable: true},
{name: 'name', index: 'name', width: 150, editable: true, editoptions: {size: "20", maxlength: "30"}},
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width: 90,
editable: true,
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editoptions: {value: "FE:FedEx;IN:InTime;TN:TNT;AR:ARAMEX"}
name: 'note',
index: 'note',
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editable: true,
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rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
pager: pager_selector,
altRows: true,
multiselect: false,
multiboxonly: true,
editurl: "/dummy.html",//nothing is saved
caption: "jgGrid Example"
$(grid_selector).jqGrid('navGrid', pager_selector,
{ //navbar options
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view: false,
viewicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-search-plus grey',
//search form
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afterShowSearch: function (e) {
var form = $(e[0]);
form.closest('.ui-jqdialog').find('.ui-jqdialog-title').wrap('<div class="widget-header" />')
afterRedraw: function () {
multipleSearch: true,
columns: [{name: "id", sorttype: "int"}, {name: "name"}, {name: "ship"}, {name: "note"}]
showQuery: true
function style_search_filters(form) {
form.find('.add-rule').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-primary');
form.find('.add-group').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-success');
form.find('.delete-group').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-danger');
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If I correctly understand the problem, then you can do the following:
search: false
to the column note
, which you want not have in the filter toolbar.columns
option to searching options of navGrid
. For example, you can use columns: [{name: "id", sorttype: "int"}, {name: "name"}, {name: "ship"}, {name: "note"}]
Clarifying the above steps: searching dialog use by default the same columns like the filter toolbar. The property search: false
in the column note
force removing searching functionality for the column note
. Adding columns
option allows to include some columns independent on the value of search
property. Additionally you specify the order of columns displayed in searching dialog.