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Error when uploading file to OneDrive using Cloudrail

I tried following this CloudRail sample.

Here is my code:

OneDrive client = new OneDrive(new LocalReceiver(8082), CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, ""); 
//I'm not sure about the parameter 'state' so I left an empty string here
//The REDIRECT_URI is ""
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileToUpload);
client.upload(fileToUpload.getPath(), inputStream, fileToUpload.length(), false);

I got this error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mashape.unirest.request.HttpRequestWithBody

at the first line.

Please help.


  • When you integrate the plain .jar file from Github you need to also include the unirest library since it is required within CloudRail SDK. You can download it here: