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How to change label color in Donut Morris Chart (customized label colors)

I want to change Label Color in Morris Donut chart:

For BusStop: Label Color should be Red
For Fence: Label Color should be Blue
For Route: Label Color Should be Yellow or anything...

Code Pen Example

I tried by doing:

data: [
        label: 'BusStop',
        label: 'Fence',
        value: 6,
        label: 'Route',
        value: 2,
labelColor:"#9CC4E4", //this is Constant for all label but I need customized labelColors

It's ok, if it is done by using jQuery or HTML or CSS. I tried to do in many ways without success.

Here I have attached screenshot and as well as Pen Code: Screenshot [2]

I am still a Fresher, and appreciate if this is done.


  • I tried to use only the formatter function but the labelColor is not updated.

    So I used a modified morris adding a labelColor property for each data.

    You can then define your data like this, using the labelColor property:

    data: [
        { label: 'BusStop', value: 5, labelColor: 'yellow' },
        { label: 'Fence', value: 6, labelColor: 'blue' }, 
        { label: 'Route', value: 2, labelColor: 'red' }

    You can use the latest Morris v0.5.1 and extend it to use some extra functionalities.

    Please try the following snippet that extends Morris (I commented the with // ADDED for the lines or portion of code I added/changed from the original Morris):

    (function () {
        var $, MyMorris;
        MyMorris = window.MyMorris = {};
        $ = jQuery;
        MyMorris = Object.create(Morris);
    = function (idx) {
            var row, s, segment, _i, _len, _ref, _fill_color; // ADDED _fill_color
            _ref = this.segments;
            for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                s = _ref[_i];
            segment = this.segments[idx];
            row =[idx];
            _fill_color = row.labelColor || this.options.labelColor || '#000000'; // ADDED
            return this.setLabels(row.label, this.options.formatter(row.value, row), _fill_color); // ADDED parameter _fill_color
        MyMorris.Donut.prototype.setLabels = function (label1, label2, fill_color) {
            var inner, maxHeightBottom, maxHeightTop, maxWidth, text1bbox, text1scale, text2bbox, text2scale;
            _default_fill = fill_color || '#000000'; // ADDED
            inner = (Math.min(this.el.width() / 2, this.el.height() / 2) - 10) * 2 / 3;
            maxWidth = 1.8 * inner;
            maxHeightTop = inner / 2;
            maxHeightBottom = inner / 3;
                text: label1,
                transform: '',
                fill: fill_color // ADDED
            text1bbox = this.text1.getBBox();
            text1scale = Math.min(maxWidth / text1bbox.width, maxHeightTop / text1bbox.height);
                transform: "S" + text1scale + "," + text1scale + "," + (text1bbox.x + text1bbox.width / 2) + "," + (text1bbox.y + text1bbox.height)
                text: label2,
                transform: '',
                fill: fill_color // ADDED
            text2bbox = this.text2.getBBox();
            text2scale = Math.min(maxWidth / text2bbox.width, maxHeightBottom / text2bbox.height);
            return this.text2.attr({
                transform: "S" + text2scale + "," + text2scale + "," + (text2bbox.x + text2bbox.width / 2) + "," + text2bbox.y
    getMorris('donut', 'donut_chart');
    function getMorris(type, element) {
        if (type === 'donut') {
            var morris = Morris.Donut({
                element: element,
                data: [
                        label: 'BusStop',
                        value: 5,
                        labelColor: 'red'
                    }, {
                    label: 'Fence',
                        value: 6,
                        labelColor: 'blue'
                        label: 'Route',
                        value: 2,
                        labelColor: 'yellow'
                labelColor: "#9CC4E4",
                colors: ['#E53935', 'rgb(0, 188, 212)', 'rgb(255, 152, 0)', 'rgb(0, 150, 136)']
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <div id="donut_chart"></div>