Why is it that in the first line sevenTwelfths will evaluate to the expected answer (0.5833), but threeTwentySixths will evaluate to zero? I assumed that since the data type is a double, the operation of dividing 3 by 26 would be a decimal, but it appears as if it does the operation as an integer operation and then coverts that answer to a double and stores it in threeTwentySixths.
double sevenTwelfths = ((double) 7 / 12);
double threeTwentySixths = 3 / 26;
double sevenTwelfths = ((double) 7 / 12);
In First line this called typecasting meaning you are converting your answer in double for example
int sevenTwelfths=((int)7/12)); this mean after dividing 7/12 whatever is the anser convert into int or Type cast into int