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how footerdata set jqgrid set dynmaic column

iam create jqgrid dynmamic but i have problem. when create footer jqgrid

call function sumarValores() for footer in loadComplete but dont know global when use $self.jqGrid Must use Price_Num instead of global ;but I do not want use Price_Num direct in $self.jqGrid iam want create dynmamic footer.

dataArray = [
      { id_R: 1, Name_c: "dummy1",  AddDate_D: "1394/07/27", Price_Num: "10000" },
      { id_R: 2, Name_c: "dummy2", AddDate_D: "1394/07/28", Price_Num: "120000" },

]; this my code

        caption: "",    
        datatype: 'local',
        colNames: getColNames(dataArray[0]),
        colModel: getColModels(dataArray[0]),
     footerrow : true,
    loadComplete: function () {
function sumarValores($self) {
    var sumaHa = 0;
    var columnNames = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colNames');
    var global;
    for (var z = 0; z < columnNames.length; z++) {
        var colN = columnNames[z];
        if (colN == "Price")
            colN = colN.concat('_Num');
            global =  colN;
            var sumCanceled = $self.jqGrid("getCol", colN, false, "sum");


    global ='Price_Num';
    $self.jqGrid("footerData", "set", {
        global : sumCanceled,




  • The problem I see here is that you can't set the object property the way you do.

    global ='Price_Num';
    $self.jqGrid("footerData", "set", {
        global : sumCanceled,

    To overcome this you can do

    global ='Price_Num';
    var footer = {};
    footer[global] = sumCanceled;
    $self.jqGrid("footerData", "set", footer );

    Hope this helps