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How to set new GameObject as child of Components GameObject?

I want to create an empty GameObject that is a child of the Components GameObject.

Example: I have a simple spline and I am using the child objects as the control points. I have a button to add new control points which uses the following code to create a new object and should also set the new GameObject as a child of the scripts object.

public void addNewNode()
   var g = new GameObject();
   g.transform.parent = this.transform;

This implementation does not work and does not show the object in the inspector which I assume means something went wrong and the object was destroyed.


To test that setting parent was working properly I printed the name of g parent transform. It printed the correct name so I think the problem is that setting the parent is not being reflected in the editor. NOTE: I am using a [CustomEditor()] script in addition to the MonoBehaviour script if this effects something with unity.

Edit 2 - Minimal Full Code:

public class SplineManagerInspector : Editor {

public override void OnInspectorGUI()
    SplineManager spMngr = (SplineManager)target;

    // additional code to add public variables

    if (GUILayout.Button ("Add New Node")) {
        spMngr.addNewNode ();
        EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);

    // code to add some public variables

    if (GUI.changed) {
        spMngr.valuesChanged ();
        EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);

[RequireComponent (typeof(LineRenderer))]
public class SplineManager : MonoBehaviour
    public SplineContainer splineContainer = new SplineContainer ();
    public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
    private GameObject gObj;

    // additional code to deal with spline events/actions.

    public void addNewNode ()
        Debug.Log ("new node");
        gObj = new GameObject ();
        gObj.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;  // this does not work... (shows nothing)


  • public void addNewNode( GameObject parentOb)
        GameObject childOb = new GameObject("name");


    private GameObject childObj;
    private GameObject otherObj;
    public void addNewNode()
        childObj = new GameObject("name");
        // in case you want the new gameobject to be a child of the gameobject that your script is attached to
        childObj.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
        // we can use .SetParent as well