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IOS11 WebView for "Add to home screen" button

After iOS11 upgrade, what WebView (WebKit) is used for "Add to home screen" button from Safari (used to see apps in fullscreen)?
I know that in iOS 10, it was using UIWebView.

Is it an upgrade for UIWebView or is it replaced with WKWebView?

I saw that in iOS 11, I don't have the problem with the 300 ms delay, but I have some problems with the orientation change.

Thank you


  • Based on the JavaScript test of this answer, Web Apps are getting displayed in a WKWebView in iOS 11.

    You can also validate this with the following code snippet:

    function browserTest() {
      var whatBrowser = document.getElementById("whatBrowser");
      var lte9 = /Constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement);
      var nav = window.navigator, ua = nav.userAgent, idb = !!window.indexedDB;
      var browserText = "Other Browser"; 
      if (ua.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Version') !== -1 && !nav.standalone) { 
        browserText = "Safari";
      } else if ((!idb && lte9) || !window.statusbar.visible) {
        browserText = "UIWebView";
      } else if ((window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers) || !lte9 || idb) {
        browserText = "WKWebView";
      whatBrowser.innerHTML = browserText;
        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
      <body onload="browserTest();">
        <p id="whatBrowser"></p>