I have read about VoltDB and its stored procedure(java) from its website(quick good documentation).
I want to create java Stored Procedure and started with jar (voltdbclient-7.7.jar from maven) but there are some files missing to compile the stored procedure.
Below files not found from JAR. - VoltProcedure - VoltAbortException - SQLStmt etc
I have tried with github source code too. but no luck.
Is there any additional JAR available to compile it.
Currently, there are two ways to get the voltdb-7.7.jar file:
Download the install kit from voltdb.com (untar to install, it will be under the voltdb-ent-7.7/voltdb directory)
Compile from source. See instructions at: https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb/wiki/Building-VoltDB
However you get the jar file, here are instructions for compiling, packaging, and loading stored procedures: https://docs.voltdb.com/UsingVoltDB/designappprocinstall.php#designappprocpackage
You may also be interested in this how-to instruction on using Eclipse to develop, unit test, and debug stored procedures and java clients: https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb/blob/master/examples/HOWTOs/EclipseUnitTestDebug.md
Disclaimer: I work for VoltDB.