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Eclipse RCP 4 adds new tab/part in an IEventBroker handleEvent

In a normal command handler I can add new tab/part as this code:

    public void execute(Shell shell, EPartService partService, MApplication application,EModelService modelService) throws URISyntaxException{
        MPart part = MBasicFactory.INSTANCE.createPart();
        part.setLabel("New file ");
        List<MPartStack> stacks = modelService.findElements(application, "", MPartStack.class, null);
        partService.showPart(part, PartState.ACTIVATE);

Now I want to add new tab/part in one IEventBroker handleEvent.

First, I register the topic in the Activator:

    public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
        IEclipseContext serviceContext = EclipseContextFactory.getServiceContext(context);
        IEventBroker eventBroker = serviceContext.get(IEventBroker.class); 
        eventBroker.subscribe("MY_TOPIC", ContextInjectionFactory.make(OpenItemEditorHandler2.class, serviceContext));

Then, I add the tab/part in handleEvent:

public class OpenItemEditorHandler2 implements EventHandler {

//  @Inject 
//  private IEclipseContext serviceContext;

//  @Inject
//  EPartService partService;

//  @Inject
//  MApplication application;

    IEclipseContext serviceContext;

//  @Inject
//  EModelService modelService;

//  @Inject
//  private ECommandService commandService;
//  @Inject
//  private EHandlerService handlerService;

    public void handleEvent(Event event) {
MPart part = MBasicFactory.INSTANCE.createPart();
        part.setLabel("New file ");
        // get the part stack and show created part 
        EModelService modelService = serviceContext.get(EModelService.class); 
        MApplication application = serviceContext.get(MApplication.class);
        List<MPartStack> stacks = modelService.findElements(application, "", MPartStack.class, null);

I cannot access or inject those services because of null all. Why? I have injected my object OpenItemEditorHandler2 in the Activator.

Or can you give some hints about other solutions to add new tab/part?

Thank you very much!


  • The context returned by EclipseContextFactory.getServiceContext only has OSGi services, it does not contain most of the normal e4 services so you can't use this to create your class. This means that the activator is not a suitable place to set up your subscribe.

    You need to set up the subscribe somewhere where you have access to a proper eclipse context. An AddOn or the RCP LifeCycle might be suitable.

    In an AddOn constructor you might have:

    public MyAddon(IEclipseContext context, IEventBroker eventBroker)
      eventBroker.subscribe("MY_TOPIC", ContextInjectionFactory.make(OpenItemEditorHandler2.class, context));