I have a webservice installed in my server1 and its wsdl is http://myServer1/MyService.wsdl(it uses Apache CXF)
and my camel esb service is installed on server2 . I want to create a camel route .That route will only redirect request from ws client that consumes service from myserver1.
Client ---->ESB(ApacheCamel)---->http://myServer1/MyService.wsdl
so the ESB will be like a bridge. PS:The client will generate the stub client from the myServer1 WS.
Is this possible?
You can use ActiveMQ to send the request from route1 to route2, and use the "replyTo" parameter , Camel will create a temporary queue that route2 will use to send the response, then route1 will go on with the response and Camel will automatically delete the temporary-queue