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How do I detect the presence of objects using VBA in Access 2016?

I have an Access 2016 application that gets distributed to many users who are not sophisticated users. They usually have to install the MS Runtime for Access. Despite clear directions, too many users still find that the application will not open. It appears that early bound objects are not present on the system. With bound objects not present no code ever loads or runs, so it is not even possible to give a good error message.

I am now attempting to write a small program in which all the objects needed by the application are late bound, thus being able to say which modules are missing, if any. What I am finding though is that my method for detection is failing even when I KNOW the object is present. The code below is an example of one test for a required object. This test always fails and I cannot figure out why. I have about 7 of these. Three seem to work correctly, but the others do not. Is there some different way I should be coding the "CreateObject"?

Private Sub btnOffice_Click()
    'Office    FileDialog    MSO.DLL       Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library
    Dim obj As Object

    On Error GoTo xyzzy
    Set obj = CreateObject("Office.FileDialog")
    lblOffice.Caption = "Office module present"
    Exit Sub
    lblOffice.Caption = officeWarning
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub


  • You're trying to detect broken References. Here's a procedure to check for and report broken references:

    Sub CheckReferences()
        Dim ref As Reference
        For Each ref In References
            If ref.IsBroken Then
                MsgBox "Broken reference detected: " & vbCrLf & ref.Name & vbCrLf & ref.FullPath, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Broken Reference"
            End If
        Next ref
    End Sub