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Passing Data from View to Controller using ViewModel

I want to pass Data of a Form from view to Controller with ViewModel is that possible?? I am getting null while sending data. My Code is :

My ViewModel contain model class reference. The data which i want to pass is for two model i.e MasterSchoolInfo and MasterUserInfo, but on submitting the posted value in controller is showing bull. Any help on this will be very helpful. I am new to Asp.Net MVC.

If i am passing Models to the contoller, then that is working fine, but once i changed it to viewmodel it started posting null to controller.

I idea behind changing from Model to ViewModel was because i want to pass data for two different Models and use them in the controller.


namespace ABC.ViewModels
    public class UserInfoViewModel
        public MasterSchoolInfo School { get; set; }
        public MasterTeacherInfo Teacher{ get; set; }
        public MasterStudentInfo Student { get; set; }
        public MasterParentInfo Parent { get; set; }
        public MasterUserInfo User { get; set; }
        public MasterUserRole Role { get; set; }



public ContentResult CreateSchool(UserInfoViewModel _usrData)
    var content = string.Empty;
    if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserEmail"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserRole"))))
        int UserId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId"));
        string UserEmail = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserEmail"));
        string UserRole = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserRole"));
        byte[] salt = encryption.generatePasswordSalt("school");
        string password = encryption.generateHashedPassword("school", salt);
        if (UserRole == "Super Administrator")
            _usrData.School.CreatedBy = UserEmail;
            _usrData.School.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
            _usrData.School.ApprovalStatus = true;
            _usrData.School.Status = true;
            MasterUserInfo userInfo = new MasterUserInfo();
            userInfo.RoleId = 4;
            userInfo.EmailId = _usrData.School.PrimaryEmailId;
            userInfo.Salt = Convert.ToBase64String(salt).ToString();
            userInfo.Password = password;
            userInfo.CreatedBy = UserEmail;
            userInfo.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
            userInfo.ApprovalStatus = true;
            userInfo.Status = true;
            //string[] str = schoolInfo.PrimaryEmailId.Split('.');
            //userInfo.Username = str[0].ToString();
            userInfo.Username = _usrData.User.Username.ToString();
            MasterSchoolInfo masterSchool = _context.Set<MasterSchoolInfo>().LastOrDefault();
            if (masterSchool != null)
                var lastschoolcode = masterSchool.OpinschoolCode;                   
                var val = lastschoolcode.Substring(4, lastschoolcode.Length - 4);
                int r = Convert.ToInt32(val) + 1;
                string newusercode = "IESC000" + r;
                userInfo.UserCode = newusercode;
                _usrData.School.OpinschoolCode = newusercode;
                string newusercode = "IESC000" + 1;
                userInfo.UserCode = newusercode;
                _usrData.School.OpinschoolCode = newusercode;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)


                MasterUserInfo masterUser = _context.Set<MasterUserInfo>().Last();
                _usrData.School.UserId = masterUser.Id;
                TempData["Message"] = "School Added Successfully!";
                content = "Success";
                content = "Error";
            content = "Error";
        content = "Error";
    return Content(content);


  • for example if your Code is :

     public class MasterSchoolInfo 
              public string name{get;set;}

    you should implement input in view:

    <input type="text" name="">