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Swap digits in a double in C

What I want to do in C is swap two digits in a double.

For example, if the input is 54321.987 and I want to swap the 2nd with the 4th digit, the output should be 52341.987.

Example when too small: 12.34 would output 1002.34.


  • Using stringification approach:
    There are more elegant ways, but you can see the steps (and improve on) this pseudo code to stringify, move values, and convert back to number.

    char buf1[20];
    char buf2[20];
    char *dummy;
    double val = 54321.987;
    sprintf(buf1, "%9.3f", val );
    //Now the number is in string form: "54321.987".  Just move the two elements  
    buf2[3]=buf1[1]; //and so on
    //now convert back:
    val = strtod(buf2, &dummy);
    printf("%9.3f\n", val);

    Or, a function could be used to do essentially the same thing: (still stringification)

    double swap_num_char(double num, int precision, int c1, int c2); //zero index for c1 and c2
    int main(void)
        double val = 54321.987;
        printf("%9.3f\n", swap_num_char(val, 3, 1, 3));
        return 0;   
    double swap_num_char(double num, int precision, int c1, int c2)
        char buf[25]; 
        char format[10];
        char *dummy;
        char c;
        sprintf(format, "%s0.%df", "%", precision);
        sprintf(buf, format, num);
        c = buf[c1];
        buf[c1] = buf[c2];
        buf[c2] = c;
        num = strtod(buf, &dummy);
        return num;