Hi I need to be able to generate dynamic rectangles with text. I now have the problem, that im not able to add text over the rectangle
I generate the rectangles here:
public void ShowAppointements()
foreach (Termin termin in MainWindow.termine)
if (termin.week == Int32.Parse(txtWeek.Content.ToString()))
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
Grid.SetRow(rectangle, termin.start + 2);
Grid.SetColumn(rectangle, termin.day * 2 - 1);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(rectangle, 2);
Grid.SetRowSpan(rectangle, termin.end - termin.start);
rectangle.Fill = termin.color;
Looking into other similar questions the answer was always to just avoid using rectangles but idealy i would like to keep using them.
You could add a TextBlock child to the Grid, in the same place as the Rectangle.
You could also create a sub-grid with two children, the Rectangle and the TextBlock, as follows:
Grid subGrid = new Grid();
TextBlock textblock = new TextBlock();
textblock.Text = "Text to add";
Or add the TextBlock as child of a Border, instead of having a Rectangle:
var border = new Border
Background = termin.color,
Child = new TextBlock { Text = "Some Text" }
Grid.SetRow(border, termin.start + 2);
Grid.SetColumn(border, termin.day * 2 - 1);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(border, 2);
Grid.SetRowSpan(border, termin.end - termin.start);
Or use an appropriately aligned Label:
var label = new Label
Content = "Some Text",
HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
Background = termin.color
Grid.SetRow(label, termin.start + 2);
Grid.SetColumn(label, termin.day * 2 - 1);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(label, 2);
Grid.SetRowSpan(label, termin.end - termin.start);