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How to remove console.log from js files using MVC.NET Bundle config file

My current bundle config concatenates all the script files and minifies it and generates a single file.but is not removing the console.log lines from the js files,how to add configuration to remove console.log() lines from the current config setting is

            new Bundle(
                new IBundleTransform[] {new JsMinify() }).Include(

I tried adding LogRemoverTransform() but i am getting some error

enter image description here


  • You need to create your own Bundle Transformation, by implementing IBundleTransform. You can use this regex (borrowed from this question) to get the instances of console.log, etc and replace them with empty strings.

    public class LogRemoverTransform : IBundleTransform
        public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response)
            var compiled = string.Empty;
            var pattern = "console.(log|debug|info|warn|error|assert|dir|dirxml|trace|group|groupEnd|time|timeEnd|profile|profileEnd|count)\\((.*)\\);?";
            foreach (var file in response.Files)
               // read text from js file, and replace the the matched parts with empty string
                compiled += Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(file.IncludedVirtualPath)), pattern, string.Empty);
            response.Content = compiled;
            response.ContentType = "text/javascript";

    And then in your BundleConfig:

    bundles.Add(new Bundle("~/Scripts/js-bundle",  new LogRemoverTransform(), new JsMinify())

    If the js files are very big, use StreamReader instead of File.ReadAllText().