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Click-Mouse Leave Event for a JQuery Slide Effect

I'm just starting to learn JQuery and could use some help with the following effect:

Wish List: When the user clicks on ".blue_box" there is a slide effect (element slides upward to reveal information). When the user move the mouse off of ".blue_box" there is another slide effect (element that slid up now slides back down to previous position).

Current Status: My code has a click event for both the slide up and slide down effect.


    $(document).ready(function() {
            }, function(){


    <div class="dyslexia_link img_frame col span_4">
        <div class="blue_box">
            <h3>What is Dyslexia</h3>
            <div class="caption">
            <p>Dyslexia is a medical problem with an educational solution.  By providing a style 
               of teaching that meets the unique learning needs of students with dyslexia, these 
               bright children can go on to achieve their highest academic potential.</p>
            <a href= ""><h2 class="learn_btn_home">LEARN MORE</h2></a>

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


  • you should put mouseleave

    $(document).ready(function () {
      var blue_box = $('.blue_box'),
          caption = $('.caption');
      //hidden at first
      caption.hide(); () {
        //only if it is hidden, you can remove it
        if (!(":visible"))) {
          $('.caption', this).slideToggle('slow', function () {
            //when you complete the opening animation add the closing event
            blue_box.on("mouseleave", function () {
              $('.caption', this).slideToggle('slow', function () {
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="dyslexia_link img_frame col span_4">
            <div class="blue_box">
                <h3>What is Dyslexia</h3>
                <div class="caption">
                <p>Dyslexia is a medical problem with an educational solution.  By providing a style 
                   of teaching that meets the unique learning needs of students with dyslexia, these 
                   bright children can go on to achieve their highest academic potential.</p>
                <a href= ""><h2 class="learn_btn_home">LEARN MORE</h2></a>