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Javascript: Update the value of an Object fields

I have the following code:

var view = function () {

var formset_prefix = '', form_id = '';

var DOMStrings = {
    formset_total: 'TOTAL_FORMS',
    formset: '*[id$=-TOTAL_FORMS]',
    field: '*[id^=id_' + formset_prefix + '-]',
    field_idx = '*[id^=id_' + formset_prefix + form_id +'-]'


return {
get_form_fields: function (prefix, id) {
            formset_prefix = prefix;
            form_id = id;
            return document.querySelectorAll(DOMStrings.field);
..... }();

I don't know at the beginning what is the formset_prefix and formset_id, but I get them later using multiple function calls, so I initialize them at the beginning with empty.

Hoe can I force the update of the DOMStrings object attributes field and formset later when I update the formset_prefix and formset_id values ?


  • One option is to make DOMStrings a function and compute the object on the fly:

    var formset_prefix = '', form_id = '';
    var DOMStrings = function() {
        return {
           formset_total: 'TOTAL_FORMS',
           formset: '*[id$=-TOTAL_FORMS]',
           field: '*[id^=id_' + formset_prefix + '-]'
    return {
    get_form_fields: function (prefix, id) {
                formset_prefix = prefix;
                form_id = id;
                return document.querySelectorAll(DOMStrings().field);
    ..... }();

    Better yet, decouple it from the context, and pass necessary parameters as arguments:

    var DOMStrings = function(prefix, id) {
        return {
           formset_total: 'TOTAL_FORMS',
           formset: '*[id$=-TOTAL_FORMS]',
           field: '*[id^=id_' + prefix + '-]'
    return {
    get_form_fields: function (prefix, id) {
                var strings = DOMStrings(prefix, id);
                return document.querySelectorAll(strings.field);
    ..... }();