Search code examples

How to search the browser window object looking which object or variable has the searched-for value?

If I know I have a value say 'JohnSmith' stored in some object in the global space of the browser and I hit some breakpoint, how do I know which object or variable has a value of 'JohnSmith'? I have hundreds of objects and I don't want to manually search for it in dev tools. I have used some scripts in the console or snippet which traverse the all the objects but they all have failed to search properly or give some error message.

I tried JS Runtime Inspector which looked promising but it doesn't work at all in my version 61 of Chrome. Its subtab doesn't show up like their video shows.


  • Here's a configurable digger that you can keep in devtools snippets panel and run via keyboard:

    • CtrlP (or P) then !name where name is the name of the snippet
    • CtrlEnter (or Enter) when editing the snippet's code.
      haystack = window, // $0 is the last inspected DOM element
      needle = 'foo', // 'string' or /RegExp/
      target = 'kv', // kv = keys and values, k = keys only, v = values only
      caseSensitive = true, // for a plain string needle
      ownKeysOnly = !true, // only dig into own keys in objects
      maxResults = 1000, // 0 = don't limit
      skipDOM = ['innerHTML', 'outerHTML', 'textContent', 'innerText', 'outerText'],
      skipValues = new Set([haystack, window, document.doctype]),
    ) => {
      let isRe, fnLow, fnIn, num = 0;
      const isSimpleId = /^[_$a-z][$\w]*$/iu;
      const path = [], pathKeys = [], inK = /k/i.test(target), inV = /v/i.test(target);
      if (!(isRe = needle instanceof RegExp)) {
        fnIn =''.includes);
        if (!caseSensitive) needle = (fnLow =''.toLowerCase))(needle);
      function check(v, name) {
        const t = typeof v;
        const n = typeof name === 'symbol' ? name.description : name;
        if (inK && (isRe ? needle.test(n) : fnIn(fnLow ? fnLow(n) : n, needle)) ||
            inV && (t === 'string' || t === 'number') &&
            (isRe ? needle.test(v) : fnIn(fnLow ? fnLow(v) : v, needle))) {
          let p = '';
          for (let k of pathKeys)
            p += !isSimpleId.test(k) ? `[${k}]` : p ? '.' + k : k;
          p = p.replace(/(^|[.\]])(children\[)(\d+)]((?:\.nextElementSibling)+)\b/g,
            (s, a, b, c, d) => a + b + (+c + d.split('.').length) + ']');
          console.log('#%s %s: %o in %o', ++num, name, v,
            {obj:, path: p, ancestry: path.slice(0)});
          if (!--maxResults) return 1;
        if (v && t === 'object' && !skipValues.has(v)) {
          return dig(v);
      function dig(o) {
        let res;
        if (Array.isArray(o)) {
          for (let len = o.length, i = 0; i < len; i++)
            if (check(o[i], i)) { res = 1; break; }
        } else if (o instanceof Map || o instanceof Set) {
          for (const e of o.entries())
            if (check(e[1], e[0])) { res = 1; break; }
        } else if (typeof o === 'object') {
          const isDom = skipDOM?.length && o instanceof Node;
          for (const k in o)
            if ((!ownKeysOnly || Object.hasOwn(o, k))
            && !(o === window && k.startsWith('webkit'))
            && !(isDom && skipDOM.includes(k)))
              try { if (check(o[k], k)) { res = 1; break; } } catch(e) {}
        return res;