I am trying to dynamically genenrate more input fields using vuejs when the user clicks a button. My code works very briefly (generating more fields), but for some reason after that, the page refreshes automatically, setting the user back to where they started. This is my code
<div class='wordsdiv'>
<div id='onedictspec' v-for='arrayspot in wordupload.wordinput.length'>
<input type='text' class='inputwordtext' v-model='wordupload.wordinput[arrayspot - 1][0]'>
<input type='text' class='inputwordtext' v-model='wordupload.wordinput[arrayspot - 1][1]'>
<div id='morewords'>
<button class='morewordsbtn active hover' v-on:click='morewords'>More words</button>
And this is my javascript inside Vue, data
wordupload: {
wordinput: [['','']]
And the method
morewords: function () {
oldcount = this.wordupload.wordinput.length
newcount = oldcount + 10
while (oldcount < newcount){
this.wordupload.wordinput.push(["", ""])
oldcount += 1
Basically two input fields are generated for every item in the wordupload.wordinput list, so I try to make more fields by adding more items to wordinput. But for some reason, after calling morewords, the page refreshes, returning to the original situation.
From Vue's documentation
Order matters when using modifiers because the relevant code is generated in the same order. Therefore using @click.prevent.self will prevent all clicks while @click.self.prevent will only prevent clicks on the element itself.
You need to add .prevent
to your v-on:click
so it becomes v-on:click.self.prevent