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Neo4j Scalar functions in c#

In Neo4j we can do: startNode(relationship), endNode(relationship) and it will give us the start and end of the node given a relationship.

My sample query is this:

match p=(n1 {Identifier:<id>})-[:r1|r2*2]-(n2) unwind relationships(p) as rel return distinct startNode(rel) as n1, type(rel), endNode(rel) as n2

so Basically its a variable length relationships and I can get the type, as well as the start and end node of each relationship.

If I don't specify startNode or endNode I will get extra nodes that are actually not connected to each other.

This works perfectly fine in neo4j cypher but I don't know how to do startNode and endNode (Scalar functions) in c#.

Currently I have this:

 var data = client.Cypher.Match("(n1)")
            .Where((Node n1) => n1.Identifier == identifier)
            .Unwind("relationships(p)", "rel")
            .ReturnDistinct((n1, rel, n2) => new
                startNode = n1.As<Node<string>>(),
                endNode = n2.As<Node<string>>(),
                relationship = rel.As<RelationshipInstance<object>>()

This is not doing the startNode and endNode functions and so I get the extra nodes-relationships that are actually not connected to each other

Any ideas on how to achieve startNode and endNode functions in c# neo4j client?


  • You need to use the Return.As parts of Neo4jClient, the below query matches your original Cypher (well, including the Optional you use in your C# version):

    var query = client.Cypher.Match("(n1)")
               .Where((Node n1) => n1.Identifier == identifier)
               .Unwind("relationships(p)", "rel")
               .ReturnDistinct((n1, rel, n2) => new
                   startNode = Return.As<Node<string>>("startNode(rel)"),
                   endNode = Return.As<Node<string>>("endNode(rel)"),
                   relationship = Return.As<string>("type(rel)")

    The Return.As allows you to call the functions you want to.