I have been going over async
and after going over several articles, I decided to test things myself. However, I can't seem to wrap my head around why this does not work:
async function main() {
var value = await Promise.resolve('Hey there');
console.log('inside: ' + value);
return value;
var text = main();
console.log('outside: ' + text);
The console outputs the following (node v8.6.0) :
> outside: [object Promise]
> inside: Hey there
Why does the log message inside the function execute afterwards? I thought the reason async
was created was in order to perform synchronous execution using asynchronous tasks.
Is there a way could I use the value returned inside the function without using a .then()
after main()
I can't seem to wrap my head around why this does not work.
Because main
returns a promise; all async
functions do.
At the top level, you must either:
Use top-level await
(proposal, MDN; ES2022, broadly supported in modern environments) that allows top-level use of await
in a module.
Use a top-level async
function that never rejects (unless you want "unhandled rejection" errors).
Use then
and catch
in a moduleYou can use await
at the top-level of a module. Your module won't finish loading until the promise you await
settles (meaning any module waiting for your module to load won't finish loading until the promise settles). If the promise is rejected, your module will fail to load. Typically, top-level await
is used in situations where your module won't be able to do its work until the promise is settled and won't be able to do it at all unless the promise is fulfilled, so that's fine:
const text = await main();
If your module can continue to work even if the promise is rejected, you could wrap the top-level await
in a try
// In a module, once the top-level `await` proposal lands
try {
const text = await main();
} catch (e) {
// Deal with the fact the chain failed
// `text` is not available here
when a module using top-level await
is evaluated, it returns a promise to the module loader (like an async
function does), which waits until that promise is settled before evaluating the bodies of any modules that depend on it.
You can't use await
at the top level of a non-module script, only in modules.
function that never rejects(async () => {
try {
const text = await main();
} catch (e) {
// Deal with the fact the chain failed
// `text` is not available here
// `text` is not available here, either, and code here is reached before the promise settles
// and before the code after `await` in the main function above runs
Notice the catch
; you must handle promise rejections / async exceptions, since nothing else is going to; you have no caller to pass them on to (unlike with #1 above, where your "caller" is the module loader). If you prefer, you could do that on the result of calling it via the catch
function (rather than try
(async () => {
const text = await main();
})().catch(e => {
// Deal with the fact the chain failed
// `text` is not available here, and code here is reached before the promise settles
// and before the code after `await` in the main function above runs
...which is a bit more concise, though it somewhat mixes models (async
and explicit promise callbacks), which I'd normally otherwise advise not to.
Or, of course, don't handle errors and just allow the "unhandled rejection" error.
and catch
.then(text => {
.catch(err => {
// Deal with the fact the chain failed
// `text` is not available here, and code here is reached before the promise settles
// and the handlers above run
The catch
handler will be called if errors occur in the chain or in your then
handler. (Be sure your catch
handler doesn't throw errors, as nothing is registered to handle them.)
Or both arguments to then
text => {
err => {
// Deal with the fact the chain failed
// `text` is not available here, and code here is reached before the promise settles
// and the handlers above run
Again notice we're registering a rejection handler. But in this form, be sure that neither of your then
callbacks throws any errors, since nothing is registered to handle them.