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Redirecting the output of QProcess when running a resource file

fairly new to Qt.

I'm using QProcess to run an external shell script and redirecting the output to a textBrowser on my GUI. Code:

In mainwindow.h:

   QProcess *myProcess;

and mainwindow.cpp:

void MainWindow::onButtonPressed(){
   myProcess = new QProcess(this);
   myProcess->connect(myProcess, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(textAppend()));
   myProcess->start("./", arguments);

void MainWindow::textAppend(){

This works perfectly to run an external script. My question is how to apply the same process with the script included as a resource file. I've tried simply replacing "./" with the resource version ":/" but it does not seem to work. The resource script runs perfectly, but the console output disappears.


  • For this reason, there is something called "QTemporaryFile" class.

    Because you need to call a file that already exists in your system - ok!

    let's take this example :

    using QProcess we need to run a python file from resource

    //[1] Get Python File From Resource
    QFile RsFile(":/");
    //[2] Create a Temporary File
    QTemporaryFile *NewTempFile = QTemporaryFile::createNativeFile(RsFile);
    //[3] Get The Path of Temporary File
    QStringList arg;
    arg << NewTempFile->fileName();
    //[4] Call Process
    QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(this);
    myProcess->start("python", arg);
    //[5] When You Finish, remove the temporary file

    Note : on windows, the Temporary File stored in %TEMP% directory

    and for more informations you can visit Qt Documentation - QTemporaryFile Class

    Good Luck ♥