I've been looking for a way of extending a function in a straightforward way, like in C# extension method.
I've tried the following statement which I have found in this article Method Chaining in JavaScript and which works fine.
var FOO = function(){
this.whateverFunc = function(){
console.log("whatever func");
FOO.prototype.first = function(){
console.log("first func");
return this;
FOO.prototype.second = function(){
console.log("second func");
return this;
Then I can chain it:
var foo = new FOO();
//first func
//second func
BUT: My projects has the following "pattern":
var FOO = (function(){
var foo{
firstFunc: function(){
secondFunc: function(){
return foo;
It doesn't work even if I don't use IIFE.
var FOO = function() { var foo{}; return foo; };
Is there a way to use chaining function within that pattern? How could I accomplish this(if this is possible!):
The only issue with the code following
BUT: My projects has the following "pattern":
is missing =
at foo
If IIFE uses arrow function the invoking parentheses should be last part of IIFE, instead of within outer parentheses.
var FOO = (function() {
var foo = {
firstFunc: function() {
return this
secondFunc: function() {
return this
return foo;