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Java 9 Behavior of Flow SubmissionPublisher offer method

I´ve been playing with Java Flow offer operator but after read the documentation and do my test I dont understand.

Here my test

public void offer() throws InterruptedException {
    //Create Publisher for expected items Strings
    SubmissionPublisher<String> publisher = new SubmissionPublisher<>();
    //Register Subscriber
    publisher.subscribe(new CustomSubscriber<>());
    publisher.subscribe(new CustomSubscriber<>());
    publisher.subscribe(new CustomSubscriber<>());
    publisher.offer("item", (subscriber, value) -> false);

The offer operator receive an item to be emitted and a BiPredicate function, and as far as I understand reading the documentation, only in case that the predicate function is true the item it will be emitted.

Bur after pass the test the result is

Subscription done:
Subscription done:
Subscription done:
Got : item --> onNext() callback
Got : item --> onNext() callback
Got : item --> onNext() callback

There´s no change in the result if instead of false I return true.

Anybody can explain me this operator a little bit better please.


  • Nope, the predicate function is used to decide whether to retry the publishing operation as mentioned in the docs:

    onDrop - if non-null, the handler invoked upon a drop to a subscriber, with arguments of the subscriber and item; if it returns true, an offer is re-attempted (once)

    It does not affect whether or not the item is to be sent initially.

    EDIT: An example of how drops can occur when using the offer method

    I came up with an example of how drops could occur when calling the offer method. I don't think the output is 100% deterministic, but there is a clear difference when it is run several times. You can just change the handler to return true instead of false, to see how the retry reduces the drops due to saturated buffers. In this example, the drop would typically occur because the max buffer capacity is explicitly small (passed to the constructor of SubmissionPublisher). But when the retry is enabled after a small sleep period, the drops are removed:

    public class SubmissionPubliserDropTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
            // Create Publisher for expected items Strings
            // Note the small buffer max capacity to be able to cause drops
            SubmissionPublisher<String> publisher =
                                   new SubmissionPublisher<>(ForkJoinPool.commonPool(), 2);
            // Register Subscriber
            publisher.subscribe(new CustomSubscriber<>());
            publisher.subscribe(new CustomSubscriber<>());
            publisher.subscribe(new CustomSubscriber<>());
            // publish 3 items for each subscriber
            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                int result = publisher.offer("item" + i, (subscriber, value) -> {
                    // sleep for a small period before deciding whether to retry or not
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    return false;  // you can switch to true to see that drops are reduced
                // show the number of dropped items
                if(result < 0) {
                    System.err.println("dropped: " + result);
    class CustomSubscriber<T> implements Flow.Subscriber<T> {
        private Subscription sub;
        public void onComplete() {
        public void onError(Throwable th) {
        public void onNext(T arg0) {
            System.out.println("Got : " + arg0 + " --> onNext() callback");
        public void onSubscribe(Subscription sub) {
            System.out.println("Subscription done");
            this.sub = sub;