I am able to display the Chinese,japanses and all other Asian langauages in IE,Chrome but when I open the PDF In abode reader it throws me following error...
Here is my sample code...
Font asianFont = FontFactory.getFont("path\NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H , BaseFont.EMBEDDED,8);
Please help on this.
I am an employee at iText that recently saw this issue (in a different font) come up as a subsection of a larger issue.
If you are using iText 5: Upgrade to the most recent version of 5.5.12.
If you are using iText 7: The fix will be in our next release- 7.0.5. There are currently SNAPSHOT builds available that contain this fix.
You can update your pom.xml to use the 7.0.5 snapshot version if you use Maven:
<!-- Required for the access to the iText SNAPSHOT dependency -->
<name>iText Repository - snapshots</name>
<!-- Dependency for the SNAPSHOT build -->
Or you can download the snapshot jars directly from our artifact server: https://repo.itextsupport.com/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/simple/General/snapshot/com/itextpdf
7.0.5 is currently planned to be officially released later next month (October '17)
I just tried both the versions above with the NotoSansCJKsc-Regular font, and was able to produce a document without error.