I have trouble getting my reverse proxy setup to work using haproxy 1.6.3 running on ubuntu 16. Heres what i am trying to achieve:
and all traffic to the main site is handled by haproxy via the default backendHeres the relevant configs:
apache .htaccess of main site (excluding the relevant subdirectory)
# Exclude machine1 subdirectory from rewrite
RewriteRule ^(machine1)($|/) - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule .* index.php [L]
haproxy setup
frontend http-in
bind <external-ip>:80
mode tcp
option tcplog
acl machine1 path_beg /machine1
use_backend machine1-backend if machine1
default_backend default-backend-http
frontend https-in
bind <external-ip>:80
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend default-backend-https
backend machine1-backend
reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /machine1/(.*) \1\ /\2
http-request set-header Orig-Path /machine1/
http-request set-header X-Script-Path /machine1/
http-request set-header Host bar.com
option http-server-close
server m1
backend default-backend-https
server main
mode tcp
backend default-backend-http
server main
mode tcp
The issues/questions i currently have:
accessing the unencrypted variant (http://bar.com/machine1) sometimes serves the right page of machine1, but most of the time, i get a 404 from the main machines apache - i thought this could be solved with option http-server-close but it's not - could someone point me towards what i am missing here ? I verified in the rare cases of a valid response that paths are correctly extended with /machine1 - e.g. /machine1/css/main.css for css includes - but even after a scccessful initial pull from machine1 - all subsequent fetches for scripts, images and css return a 404 again
i wasn't able to figure out how to properly setup ssl to use on the /machine1 requests with haproxy handling https->http traffic conversion, so the ssl part does not include the routing at the moment - how do i need to extend the config to make this work for https://bar.com/machine1? (Assuming valid certificate for bar.com existing under /etc/keys/web.pem)
Bonus questions:
Answering my own question here:
After some research, issue was wrong mode tcp
in config for this use case, and is easily solved by switching mode in front and backend to http
From the docs
mode tcp
:In this mode, HAProxy doesn’t decipher the traffic. It just opens a TCP tunnel between the client and the server and let them together negotiate and handle the TLS traffic.
When using this mode, HAProxy does not evaluate the HTTP headers in the packet. In this case one obivously doesn't have the option to differentiate backends on http specific headers like uri, thats why the initial configuration does not work.
mode http
:In this mode, HAProxy decipher the traffic on the client side and re-encrypt it on the server side. It can access to the content of the request and the response and perform advanced processing over the traffic.
In this case, all http header fields are available to haproxy for backend selection.
This of course has implications on ssl - there are various variants for this setup, i have chosen to use SSL/TLS offloading and let HAProxy decipher the traffic on the client side and connect in clear to the internal servers.
That makes the machine running haproxy the sslendpoint, and ssl certificates need to be set up here instead of on the webserver. Additionally, with this setup, the webservers running the webapp can be completely isolated, only serving pages internally to the haproxy machine. This also answers question 2.
And lastly, for the bonus questions:
service haproxy reload
(ubuntu) - this seems to work very well.And finally, the resulting (working) configuration i have (please note, i've added http to https redirection on the haproxy as well):
frontend http-in
bind <external-ip>:80
bind <external-ip>:443 ssl crt /path/to/cert/cert.pem
acl machine1 path_beg /machine1
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
mode http
option httplog
use_backend machine1-backend if machine1
default_backend default-backend
backend default-backend
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
server main
mode http
backend machine1-backend
http-request set-header Orig-Path /machine1/
http-request set-header X-Script-Path /machine1/
http-request set-header Host bar.com
reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /machine1/(.*) \1\ /\2
server m1