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multiple timestamps in json body

I'm trying to send time stamped key value pairs to the ThingsBoard Demo platform ( The standard way is to send a timestamp and with some key-value-pairs like so:

{"ts":1451649600512, "values":{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}}

My problem is, that I need to process up to 100 acceleration measurements per second and I dont want to send a http post for every x-y-z value-package. Is there a way to send one json body with, lets say, 100 timestamps with corresponding measurements?

I tried it:

"ts": 1508695100,
"values": {
    "key1": 34,
    "key2": 26
"ts": 1508695200,
"values": {
    "key1": 38,
    "key2": 29


There is no error message when pushing this json to ThingsBoard with curl, but only the last timestamp-value-block seems to be recognized by ThingsBoard.

Any suggestions on how to to solve my problem?


  • You should use following format (json array):

    [{"ts":1451649600512, "values":{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}}, {"ts":1451649600513, "values":{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}}]

    or [ { "ts":1451649600512, "values":{ "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2" } }, { "ts":1451649600513, "values":{ "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2" } } ]

    BTW, the JSON you have tried is not a valid JSON document at all. Please check the validity of the document before sending.